"Songhai Music/Dance Medley"
"Songhai Music/Dance Medley" is composed of 6 extremely talented performance artists. Our group contains storytellers, singers, dancers, actors, actresses, and musicians.
Our production is a traveling show presenting at numerous venues in various states.
All productions are original and copyrighted intellectual property of Images of the Motherland.
Our current production "Songhai" Music/Dance Medley is excerpted from the performances and dances presented in our "Songhai" An Anti-Gun/Anti-Violence Dramatic Production .
"Songhai Music/Dance Medley" features a retinue of numerous music/dance medleys as well as a multi-media special effect. The production is a 15th Century historical period production involving the 2 Empires of Morocco (North Africa) and Songhai (West Africa).
All costuming is historically accurate based upon research trips to Senegal, Mali and Morocco from 1991-2001.
The production features a fusion of both North African/Middle Eastern and West African cultures in costuming, music, songs, and dance. Songs are sung in various North and West African languages accompanied by English translations in the verse for audience comprehension. Most musical instruments used are indigenous to the regions, with minor exceptions. Musical renditions include an extensive presentation of melodic as well as percussive instrumentation. All music is live.
A few of the instruments are amplified with 10-15 watt small amps, utilizing digital delay systems allowing for special effects and loops in the music. We also include special effects, smoke machines, PA system and wireless/wired microphones.
What would possibly be of interest and attraction to your audience is the dazzling riches, pageantry, power and cultural enrichment of our retinue of music/dance medleys. Your audiences have possibly never seen anything like the exotic mysticism and ethnicity of our performers. A dancer performs balancing a sword, while yet another performs a spiritually supernatural trance dance.
We know that historically, the Middle East/North Africa, and West Africa had a tremendous impact on the European Middle Ages and Renaissance periods.
Technical Capabilities & Requirements
Images of the Motherland: Interactive Theatre maintains and utilizes its own equipment. We use 2 smoke machines to visually enhance the dance sequences. Some instruments are adapted for amplification by condenser microphones and personally carried mini amps worn by performers.
When necessary, we use an 8 channel Yamaha EMX-62 Mixer with Yamaha AS-108 elevated tripod speaker PA system. We use 3 "6" inch tripod microphones on the floor for percussions. We also use wireless microphones for our vocalists. This enhances the dynamic quality and character of our music and song. Our system can be assembled in 15-30 minutes. We require adequate costuming/dressing room facilities. We require a dance floor area (preferably wooden) approximately 18 X 24 ft, as our dancers traditionally perform barefoot.
Additional visual information can be obtained by visiting our website www.imagesofhtemotherland.com
Performance Integration
We can fit into a performance schedule at a designated site, with an approximate 30 minute strike time prior to performance, or simply install everything in advance at the start of the day.
We also require 1 hour tech rehearsal, and 1 hour costuming prior to performance.
We are tentatively available primarily on weekends.
Perhaps with enough advance notice confirmation, we could perform on a Friday.
Fee Request
Negotiable pending current touring prospectus rates.
Thanking you for your time and consideration.
Images of the Motherland-Interactive Theatre
(215) 848-3651
e-mail: imagesofthemotherland@yahoo.com